Hi there guys and gals, this new recipe was amazing. I decided to make this as a spur of the moment dinner, as I had most of the ingredients in my cupboards. I decided to change the fresh lasagne sheets to penne pasta (frankly I didn't see the point in spending money when I had other pasta already) So the recipe took 15 minutes whoo!!! (I feel like I should celebrate every time I do it in 15 minutes)
This recipe is a must if you love pesto (which my boyfriend does). I only used a small amount of pasta, I don't think you need much because you have the chicken and beans to fill it out. The pesto was quite difficult to make though, I struggled to get the taste and consistency right, but as Jamie suggested I added a bit of starchy water from the pasta and it came together perfect in the end. Next time I don't think I'll use as much lemon as it says to, but was still delicious.
I think this will now be a favourite recipe of mine, perfect for a quick family meal (and there is pesto left over to use another day)
Hope you enjoy
Sounds yum. However, would like to see photos of your meals not Jamie's and one showing the mess left behind in the kitchen would be good